Go Naked Nutrition

Good Morning and a sweet omelette

Last night I dreamt of pancakes. It was a beautiful dream full of maple syrup and for some reason sitting and eating pancakes cross legged on the floor in front of a burning wood fireplace and snow falling outside in a sugar shack somewhere in rural Ontario or Quebec . Well it’s summer so I have no desire to recreate the rest of the scene but I did have a craving for pancakes. Now what to do about not wanting to spend all the time preparing and cooking them. I like eating soon after waking and waiting an hour and a half for food on a weekday did not sound appealing to me. What to do?

I found a delicious recipe at a site called The Mindful Foodie. This recipe really caught my eye and today was the day to try it. It’s called a sweet omelette. The ingredients are fairly simple and the quinoa is not a necessity. I chose to go without it, and stuff my omelette with vanilla greek yogurt and blueberries. The result was a gorgeous almost crepe like breakfast that really filled my belly and two hours later I am still feeling full. Not many pancakes can claim that. Even my hubby thought it was great, and he is invariably stuck on his traditional breakfast foods.

This recipe can work with any variation of stuffings. In my humble opinion it would work great with some hot cinnamon apples or any variety of crepe stuffings. Just the omelette without the fillings contains 54% of your daily required amount of B12 and  58% of Selenium, and 44% of Riboflavin. It was a wonderful start to my day without the bloated, grain fuelled, sugar crash from a normal pancake breakfast.



(Photo from The Mindful Foodie http://www.themindfulfoodie.com)

Sweet Omelette

Adapted from A Nourishing Kitchen by Amy Crawford, The Holistic Ingredient

Serves 1 | Preparation time 10 minutes | gluten and dairy free

2 organic pastured eggs

2 tsp {10 mL} maple syrup

1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice {or a tiny splash of apple cider vinegar}

1 tsp cinnamon

½ tsp vanilla powder {or a couple of drops vanilla essence}

A good pinch of Himalayan or Celtic sea salt

2 tbsp cooked quinoa {optional}

coconut oil, for pan-frying

In a bowl lightly whisk first 6 ingredients until combined

In a small fry pan, heat some coconut oil {enough to cover the base of the pan}

Pour in the omelette mixture and evenly scatter cooked quinoa over the top if using

Cook over gentle heat, until underside is firm and there is little runny egg mixture left – this will take a couple of minutes.

Flip the omelette over and cook other side for one to two minutes.

Turn the cooked omelette out onto a plate and fill with whatever deliciousness your heart desires.

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